Dissertation Defense (28/02/2019): Ramon Ferreira Silva
Student: Ramon Ferreira Silva Title: Refinement of response models to binary questions Advisors: Eduardo Bezerra da Silva (Advisor), Joel André Ferreira dos Santos (co-advisor) Committee: Eduardo Bezerra da Silva (Cefet/RJ)…
Dissertation Defense (25/02/2019): João Antônio de Ferreira
Student: João Antônio de Ferreira Title: An Algebraic framework for Data Analysis Workflows in Apache Spark Advisors: Eduardo Soares Ogasawara (advisor), Rafaelli de Carvalho Coutinho (co-advisor) Committee: Eduardo Soares Ogasawara…
Project approved at CNPq/MCTIC Nº 31/2018 – Girls in the exact sciences, engineering and computer science
Prof. Rafaelli Coutinho had the project "Girls in robotics" approved in the Edict CNPQ/mctic N º 31/2018-girls in the exact sciences, engineering and computation.
Defesa de dissertação (06/02/2019): Rebecca Pontes Salles
Student: Rebecca Pontes Salles Title: Benchmarking Nonstationary Time Series Prediction Advisors: Eduardo Soares Ogasawara (advisor), Pedro Henrique González Silva (co-advisor) Committee: Eduardo Soares Ogasawara (Cefet/RJ) (president), Pedro Henrique González Silva…
Dissertation Defense (05/02/2019): Rodrigo Tavares de Souza
Student: Rodrigo Tavares de Souza Title: Appraisal-Spark: An approach to large-scale imputation Guiding: Jorge Abreu Soares (advisor) Bank: Jorge Abreu Soares (CEFET/RJ) (president), Eduardo Soares Ogasawara (CEFET/RJ), Ronaldo Ribeiro Goldschmidt…
Dissertation Defense (06/12/2018): Leonardo de Souza Preuss
Student: Leonardo de Souza Preuss Title: VITA-a pedagogical tool for accompaniment and assistance in the student-teacher relationship Advisors: Joel A. F. Dos Santos, Gustavo Paiva Guedes (co-advisor) Committee: Joel A.…
VI Workshop da EIC
VI Workshop of the School of Informatics and Computing (WEIC)Day: 18/10/2018 – Venue: Auditorium 2 – Schedule: 9h to 12h and 14h to 21:30 Since 2013, the School of Informatics and…
Poscomp 2018
The national Examination for admission to the post-graduation in computing (POSCOMP) is an examination applied in all regions of the country. POSCOMP tests knowledge in the area of computing and…
Tips for conducting a master’s thesis defense
Although there are the general normals of the postgraduate programs, the norms of the PPCIC and the student manual, it is always good to read the reports of the procedures…
Dissertation Defense: Raphael Silva de Abreu
Student: Raphael Silva de Abreu Title: Authorship of documents Multimedia Interactive based on Synchronization of sensory effects in Relationship To Content Audiovisual Advisors: Joel A. F. Dos Santos, Eduardo Bezerra…
PPCIC celebrates the first master thesis defense
On June 4, 2018, we had the first defense of Master's thesis of the Graduate program in Computer Science of CEFET/RJ. The student Rafael Guimarães Rodrigues defended the work titled Analysis…
Dissertation Defense: Rafael Guimarães Rodrigues
Student: Rafael Guimarães Rodrigues Title: Analysis of semantic aspects in automatic translations of texts Advisor: Gustavo Paiva Guedes e Silva Committee: Gustavo Paiva Guedes e Silva (Cefet/RJ) (President), Eduardo Bezerra…
VIII Latin American on Cliques in Graphs
VIII Latin American on Cliques in Graphs (LAWCG 2018) A Satellite Event of ICM 2018 (International Congress of Mathematicians) August 9-11, 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://lawcg2018.icomp.ufam.edu.br/ CALL FOR PAPERS The 8th…
Latin America Data Science Workshop
The First Latin America Workshop on Data Science (LADaS 2018) A VLDB 2018 workshop August 27, 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil http://eic.cefet-rj.br/ladas2018 CALL FOR PAPERS Dealing with the data deluge…
Inaugural class 2018.1 with Prof. Nelson Maculan Filho
The graduate program in Computer Science (PPCIC) of the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ) proudly invites the Community to attend the inaugural class of the…
Data Science Journey
The programming of the Data Science Day this year will take place at the LNCC on March 9, 2018 is available. The detailing of the event schedule is in attached.…
Lectures of Prof. Patrick Valduriez and Esther Pacitti at CEFET/RJ
Lectures of Prof. Patrick Valduriez and Esther Pacitti at CEFET/RJ The graduate program in Computer Science (PPCIC) of the Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ) proudly…
Project approved: Young Scientist of our state call
Professors Eduardo Ogasawara and Raphael Machado had their projects approved in the announcement Young Scientist of our state (JCNE) 2017. More information at http://www.faperj.br/?id=3492.2.1
Participation of the CEFET/RJ team in the formula Drone
Professor João Quadros guided the students of the Robotics Maracanã team at CEFET/RJ in the Formula Drone Project. The team was trained for more than eight months and managed to…