The PPCIC faculty is composed of fourteen research professors from the permanent staff. The staff is composed, for the most part, of professors of Computer Science to the headquarters unit of CEFET/RJ (Maracanã). The Program also has computer science professor from the Nova Iguaçu and Petrópolis campuses of CEFET/RJ. The professors of the permanent staff are presented below:

The collaborator researchers are listed below:


Accreditation and Re-accreditation Criteria

CEFET/RJ’s Resolution N 09/2016, which provides for the accreditation and re-accreditation of researchers in the Institution’s Post-Graduation Programs stricto sensu, establishes criteria for the three categories of accredited researchers: (i) permanent, (ii) collaborator, (iii) visitor, defined according to CAPES Ordinance No. 174 of December 30, 2014.

For accreditation purposes, the researcher must submit to the coordination of the Program the following documentation: (i) request for accreditation, (ii) curriculum Lattes and supporting documents, (iii) work plan containing planning of research and teaching activities to be developed by the researcher during the evaluation cycle of CAPES and (iv) term of commitment. Also, the research must meet the following conditions:

  • Meet the requirements established by the Program.
  • Have an academic profile compatible with the research lines of the Program, being desirable to have the coordination grant of projects financed by development agencies.
  • Have an accreditation application approved by the Program Collegiate and COPEP.

Notwithstanding the presence of these general criteria, in light of the Computer Science area document, additional requirements need to be included. In this way, PPCIC establishes additional requirements for accreditation and re-accreditation of professors, in its specific rules.