Dissertation defense (November 25, 2022): Luciana Varjolo

Student: Luciana Varjolo

Title: MERES: A methodology for word recognition with sound and written stimuli

Advisor: Gustavo Paiva Guedes e Silva

Committee: Gustavo Paiva Guedes e Silva (CEFET/RJ), Juliana Novo (Universidade do Minho), Glauco Amorim (CEFET/RJ), Maurício Cagy (Coppe/UFRJ)

Day/Time: November 25, 2022 / 10 a.m.

Room: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aac0b85449c1d4bbab85dff61c61ee765%40thread.tacv2/1668000281274?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228eeca404-a47d-4555-a2d4-0f3619041c9c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d455e339-d958-4321-a959-bda8d1ea2337%22%7d

Abstract: Reading texts is an extremely important activity for the individual development in many areas of society. With regard to education, the cognitive functions related to reading provide the absorption of the content presented, which significantly contributes to good learning. Word processing is one of those cognitive functions that permeates word recognition, a fundamental part of text comprehension.  If, on the one hand, decades of scientific research on reading have led to sophisticated models of word processing, advances in technologies have led to the development of interactive and sensory reading platforms. The multisensory books are able to associate images, sounds and even smells to tell a story. Initial experiments carried out with a multisensory book show a facilitation in the absorption of the content read with the use of multisensory resources, such as the sound effect. However, an sound effect applied improperly can cause a distortion of text comprehension at the time of reading. Sound effects are also rarely found in studies about sound normalization and word processing. In this sense, this work proposes a methodology for the words recognition with sound and written stimuli. This methodology envolves both the sounds normalization, through the Cloze procedure, and the influence of sound stimuli on the written words recognition, through the Priming Cross-modal paradigm. Thus, this research seeks to generate results that can contribute to the models of written words processing with sound stimuli. It also seeks to collaborate with the selection of sound effects in the elaboration of a multisensory book. This research was approved by the Research Ethics Committee under protocol 56105922.0.0000.5249.