CEFET/RJ will be Rio’s headquarters for Poscomp 2017!
The national Examination for admission to the post-graduation in computing (POSCOMP) is an examination applied in all regions of the country. POSCOMP tests knowledge in the area of computing and aims to evaluate the knowledge of candidates for postgraduate programs in computing offered in Brazil. The vast majority of post-graduation programs in the country use, in some way, the result of Poscomp in its selective process.
POSCOMP is designed to allow candidates to attend graduate programs in computing to participate in the selective processes in various programs in the country, without the need for displacement to the headquarters of each of the programs postulated by Candidate, thus fulfilling a strong role of social inclusion.
The registration period for Poscomp 2017 over the internet, through the website www.fundatec.org.br is 13/06 to 15/08/2017. The test will take place on 17/09/2017. In Rio de Janeiro, the exam will be applied at CEFET/RJ.
More Information At http://www.sbc.org.br/noticias/1938-divulgada-a-data-de-realizacao-do-poscomp-2017