Inaugural Class 2017.1

The graduate program in Computer Science (PPCIC) of the Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET/RJ) invites the community to the inaugural events of the 2017.1 class on March 08, 2017, from 16h to 19h, in Auditorium V, on Campus Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro. The event also contemplates the Inaugural seminar of the Computer Science course and the inauguration of Cadernos magazine in Applied Computing.

Complete programming

  • 16h – Prof. Eduardo Ogasawara (Cefet/RJ) – Welcome: Overview of PPCIC and presentation of the SBC
  • 16:30 – Inaugural Class-Prof. Artur Ziviani (LNCC)-Network science: characterization, analysis, and modeling of complex networks
  • 17:30 – Inaugural Seminar – DSc. Maureen Flores (SportsApps Mobile) – Innovation in sport
  • 18:30 – Inauguration of the magazine Notebook on Applied Computing – Prof. Joel Santos (Cefet/RJ)

The activities are geared to the entire academic community, researchers/professors of the research groups in computing, as well as teachers from the public and private schools, managers in education, and interested in a general way. In addition to the presence of the new students of the PPCIC, the event had the participation of high school-technical and undergraduate students.

Additional information in: DIPPG – Tel.: + 55 21 2566-3179.