Dissertation defense (October 23, 2024): Lucas Ferreira Pinheiro

Student: Lucas Ferreira Pinheiro

Title:  Integer Linear Programming Applied to Multiobjective Topology Optimization of Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

Advisors: Felipe da Rocha Henriques (Advisor) and Laura Silva de Assis (Co-advisor)

Committee: Felipe da Rocha Henriques (PPCIC), Laura SIlva de Assis (PPCIC), Pedro Henrique González Silva (Cefet/RJ, UFRJ), Fábio Luiz Usberti (Unicamp)

Day/Time: October 23, 2024 / 8 a.m.

Room: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aNtfud0ospBiDiIADR3hlcoSvSU9aQhJvx0nyYOrTQ3w1%40thread.tacv2/1728505028194?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%228eeca404-a47d-4555-a2d4-0f3619041c9c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22fae0cef4-35a7-472b-a664-720c350c49cc%22%7d

Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have great potential for applications in a wide range of areas, such as industry, security, public health and agriculture. In general, the optimal performance of a WSN depends on the correct dimensioning of fundamental parameters, such as coverage area, connectivity and energy consumption. In this work, a multi-objective Integer Linear Programming (ILP) model is proposed to solve the Sensor Allocation Problem (SAP), considering a heterogeneous WSN with predefined candidate positions for the allocation of sensor nodes in a region of interest. The objective of the proposed model is to minimize energy consumption, whilst seeking to maximize network coverage in the monitoring region. The model was validated through 225 computational experiments with small and medium-scale instances, using Python language and the Gurobi solver. Despite the high combinatorial complexity inherent to the SAP, the proposed model presents feasible results and shows to be useful for assisting rea WSN application projects. The obtained results serve as reference and can be used for comparative purposes in developments of this study.
