Dissertation defense (March 07, 2024): Andre Carlos Teixeira Vasconcellos
Student: Andre Carlos Teixeira Vasconcellos
Title: Dispositivo IoT para atuar contra o desperdício de alimentos
Advisor: João Quadros
Day: 07 de março de 2024
Abstract: One third of the food produced annually for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. Food is largely wasted during the consumption phase, as its nutritional content is intact, but it has an unpleasant appearance and is therefore discarded. This happens during the food’s respiration process, which means that it is discarded when it is still suitable for human consumption. Foods in the senescence phase begin the process of decomposition of organic matter through the action of heterotrophic organisms such as bacteria and fungi. As a result of this process, water, ammonia, carbon dioxide and methane are released into the environment. As the gases released are associated with the maturation phase of the food, there is the idea of identifying the slopes and slopes of the gases emitted during its decomposition, precisely so that it can be assessed whether the food is still available for consumption or needs to be discarded. all. This research consists of the development of a platform (hardware and software), composed of a box with an IoT device, and sensors, in addition to software with a Machine Learning algorithm, called C0NT3NT3, which is a smart container with an application for a mobile device, to indicate to a common user, a home cook for example, whether food in the senescence phase is suitable or unsuitable for consumption.