Orthographic Educational Game for Portuguese Language Countries

Authors: Paula Chaves, Luan Paschoal, Tauan Velasco, Tiago Bento Sampaio,
Julliany Brandão, Carlos Otávio Schocair, João Quadros, Talita Oliveira, Eduardo Ogasawara


The new orthographic agreement introduces some changes in the vocabulary of the Portuguese language. Although these changes have modified a small percentage of the vocabulary words, people are struggling to adapt to some of the new orthographic rules. Aiming to mitigate this problem using a ludic approach, we developed Orthographic Educational Game (JOE). JOE focuses predominantly on the rules of accents and hyphens. The game is divided into two modes: training and playing. In the playing mode, the current level of knowledge of the player in orthography is checked and measured. In the training mode, each word comes with a hint related to the rule that is being practiced at the moment. The game was evaluated through an experiment with both undergraduates and high school students. The results indicated that more than 80\% of students enjoyed learning orthography through the game-based approach of JOE..

JOE at PlayStore

Eduardo Ogasawara

I am a Professor of the Computer Science Department of the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET / RJ) since 2010. I hold a PhD in Systems Engineering and Computer Science at COPPE / UFRJ. Between 2000 and 2007 I worked in the Information Technology (IT) field where I acquired extensive experience in workflows and project management. I have solid background in the Databases and my primary interest is Data Science. He currently studies space-time series, parallel and distributed processing, and data preprocessing methods. I am a member of the IEEE, ACM, INNS, and SBC. Throughout my career I have been presenting consistent number of published articles and projects approved by the funding agencies, such as CNPq and FAPERJ. I am also reviewer of several international journals, such as VLDB Journal, IEEE Transactions on Service Computing and The Journal of Systems and Software. Currently, I am heading the Post-Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPCIC) of CEFET / RJ.