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Multisensorial books: Improving Readers Quality of Experience

Presented in Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technologies
184151Electronic books (e-books) are an alternative to traditional books and have some advantages over it. For example, they present dictionary function, allow searching for words in texts, are ecologically correct, among others. Moreover, research indicates e-books can improve the learning process. The learning process is also improved with the use of enhanced e-books, which includes multimedia resources (e.g., images, videos, sounds) to stimulate adapted and interactive learning. Similarly, multisen-sorial media (MulSeMedia) research presents the possibility of expanding the senses with additional media components, like haptic or gustatory devices, which can enhance the learner quality of experience. In this scenario, this work proposes a new model to combine enhanced e-books and MulSeMedia to improve the learning process. This model is named Multisensorial Electronic Books, or Multisensorial Books, for short. A prototype with auditory, haptic and olfactory effects is also created. This initial prototype showed promising results, indicating the present study may open avenues for further researches.

Classificação de filmes: uma abordagem utilizando o LIWC

Artigo_Rian_Brasnam_2017 (2)-1

Parabéns a Rian Tavares, aluno do bacharelado em Ciência da Computação no CEFEF/RJ. Ele teve um artigo aceito no Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM) 2017. O título do artigo é “Classificação de filmes: uma abordagem utilizando o LIWC”. O principal objetivo do artigo é analisar textos (em inglês) provenientes de legendas de filmes para classificar o filme nas categorias “ruim” ou “ótimo”. O artigo estará disponível em breve.



This article aims to present an approach to classify movies based on their subtitles and information extracted from social networks. The methodology developed uses LIWC program, which contains a dictionary of words that allows extracting linguistic, psychological and social characteristics of texts. Preliminary results were very satisfactory, indicating promising directions for this study.