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Inferência de idade utilizando o LIWC: identificando potenciais predadores sexuais

Predadores Sexuais
Parabéns a Rafael Guimarães e Wladimir Pereira, alunos de pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação no CEFEF/RJ. Eles tiveram um artigo aceito no Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM) 2017. O título do artigo é “Inferência de idade utilizando o LIWC: identificando potenciais predadores sexuais”. O principal objetivo do artigo é analisar textos (em português do Brasil) provenientes de redes sociais para detectar potenciais predadores sexuais. O artigo estará disponível em breve.



Social predators use the Internet to exploit children or adolescents with abusive or sexual purposes. More and more these predators use social networks to access their victims, often providing fake profiles pretending to be adolescents. In this scenario, this study aims to analyze texts in Brazilian Portuguese to infer the age of the users. For this purpose, we used a tool named LIWC in its Brazilian Portuguese version. As a case of study, a Brazilian social network was used to perform experiments. This study focused on the analysis of texts written by adolescents and men between 25 and 45 years old, which represent the great majority of sexual predators. Results were relevant and open lacks for further studies.