heimdall: Drift Adaptable Models
By analyzing streaming datasets, it is possible to observe significant changes in the data distribution or models' accuracy during their prediction (concept drift). The goal of 'heimdall' is to measure…
By analyzing streaming datasets, it is possible to observe significant changes in the data distribution or models' accuracy during their prediction (concept drift). The goal of 'heimdall' is to measure…
By analyzing time series, it is possible to observe significant changes in the behavior of observations that frequently characterize events. Events present themselves as anomalies, change points, or motifs. In…
The natural increase in the complexity of current research experiments and data demands better tools to enhance productivity in Data Analytics. The package is a framework designed to address the…
Prediction is one of the most important activities while working with time series. There are many alternative ways to model the time series. Finding the right one is challenging to…
An important aspect of data analytics is related to data management support for artificial intelligence. It is related to preparing data correctly. This package provides extensions to support data preparation…
Regulamento Institucional de Controle de Frequência dos Servidores Docentes da Carreira de Magistério do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico A comissão formada pelos professores Eduardo Ogasawara (presidente), Isabela Devonish, Rafaelli…
Regulamento Institucional de Controle de Frequência dos Servidores Docentes da Carreira de Magistério do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico A comissão formada pelos professores Eduardo Ogasawara (presidente), Isabela Devonish, Rafaelli…
Instrução normativa para resolução CODIR 49/2018 A comissão formada pelos professores Eduardo Ogasawara (presidente), Heitor Mendes e Leydervan Xavier está entrando em contato junto a comunidade do CEFET/RJ para coletar…
Implementations of the algorithms present article Generalized Spatial-Time Sequence Miner, original title (Castro, Antonio; Borges, Heraldo ; Pacitti, Esther ; Porto, Fabio ; Coutinho, Rafaelli ; Ogasawara, Eduardo . Generalização…
Functions for defining and conducting a time series prediction process including pre(post)processing, decomposition, modelling, prediction and accuracy assessment. The generated models and its yielded prediction errors can be used for…