SBBD 2020 – Harbinger Presentation

Presentation given by Rebecca Salles for the 35th SBBD in October 1st 2020.

This presentation was part of the Technical Session 5 concerning full papers on the area of Data Management Systems.

The presentation concerns the full paper entitled “Harbinger: Um framework para detecção de eventos em séries temporais”, by Rebecca Salles (CEFET-RJ), Luciana Escobar(CEFET-RJ),Lais Baroni(CEFET-RJ),Rocio Zorilla(LNCC), Artur Ziviani (LNCC), Vinicius Kreischer (LNCC), Flavia Delicato(UFF), Paulo Pires(UFF), Luciano Maia (Petrobras),Rafaeli Coutinho (CEFET-RJ), Laura Assis (CEFET-RJ) and Eduardo Ogasawara(CEFET-RJ).

SBBD 2020:
Technical Session 5:…
Download the pre-print version of the paper:…