I’m a professor at the Computer and Informatics School in CEFET/RJ (Federal Center of Technological Education Celso Sucko da Fonseca), acting in Computer Science-related courses in the Technical, Undergraduate and Graduate programs. I’m the Cadernos em Computação Aplicada Journal editor-in-chief and EIC Seminars co-chair. Both initiatives focus on helping students from the undergraduate and graduate courses to develop their research skills.
I obtained my degrees as Telecommunications Engineer (2009), Master (2012) and Doctor (2016) in Computer Science by Fluminense Federal University (UFF). During my under graduation studies I was awarded twice with the Walder Moreira award for best students in the Telecommunications Engineering department and was granted twice with Scientific Initiation scholarships from CNPq. During my Master and Doctorate studies I was a scholar from CAPES (master and doctorate) and FAPERJ Nota 10 (doctorate).
I started at 2006 researching in multimedia-related areas, such as: Multimedia Authoring, Multissensorial Media and Digital TV. At the MídiaCom lab (UFF) where I participated in the development of the XTemplate 3.0 language and the APIs aNa and aNaa. During an internship at Universität Ulm, Germany, I had the opportunity to work in a research project in OMI (Institut für Organization und Management von Informationssytemen). As part of Science without Borders Program I worked as invited researcher at the Tyrex group in Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) in Grenoble, France.
I’m part of the Multimedia research team in CEFET/RJ. My major research interests are
- multimedia authoring languages and models
- multi-sensory (mulsemedia) authoring and modeling
- multimodal interactive environments
- multimedia document validation
- Internet of Things
Contact: jsantos at eic dot cefet-rj dot br