I’m professor at the Computer Science Department of the Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro (CEFET / RJ) where I minister many different computing-related courses. I hold a BSc (2010), a MSc (2013) and a PhD (2018) degrees from Federal Fluminense University (UFF). I have an extensive background in software development, computer networks, computer architecture and operating systems. From 2010 to 2018 I participated on many R&D projects on wireless networks as a member of Midiacom lab at Federal Fluminense University. I am also faculty member of the professional master’s program in Management, Technologies and Education of Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro. Currently, my research interests include network security, cryptography, security in Internet of Things, blockchain applications and malware analysis.

PhD in Computer Science at UFF – THOR: Um Framework para Infraestrutura de Medição Avançada Resiliente a Falhas de Agregadores nas Redes Elétricas Inteligentes.

MSc in Computer Science at UFF – Verificação Probabilística de Assinaturas para a Mitigação de Ataques de Poluição em Redes Centradas em Conteúdo.

BSc in Computer Science at UFF – Implementação de um Sistema Seguro de Distribuicão e Armazenamento de Chaves Criptográficas em uma Rede de Sensores Sem Fio.

Publicações: Lattes e Google Scholar

How can you reach me?

  • Email: igor.ribeiro at eic.cefet-rj.br
  • Linkedin